You'll have a one-stop shop for your digital collection of games, movies, music, and a whole bunch of extras. You can find your favorite movies and TV shows through PlayStation Plus, a movie streaming service that operates similarly to Netflix or Hulu. It's always fun to show off your accomplishments, and the PSN makes it easy to do so by giving you a digital trophy cabinet. You can earn trophies by completing achievements in different games or by winning certain challenges.

That's right, you can even send messages and chat with others through PSN! This is a great way to stay connected with friends you make online. You can connect your Spotify account to your PlayStation console through PlayStation Music. You can stream your favorite tunes while you play games with no interruption. Want to go live for your fanbase to see? Want to record videos of your gameplay and upload them later? PSN lets you do both. Not to mention, the PSN store is an enormous digital storefront for all games and enhanced gaming features! How Do I Access PSN For Free? With multiple media subscription packages, you can curate a perfect digital platform with access to all the right kinds of media. It is really hard to enjoy the full benefits of what PSN has to offer without signing up for one of the payment plans.